
Wang Haomin

Wang Haomin

Department of Information Management and Information Systems

Master Supervisor

Email: wanghm@swufe.edu.cn

Wang Haomin is currently a lecturer and master's supervisor at the School of Management Science and Engineering of Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, and deputy director of the Department of Information Management and Information Systems. His research areas include machine learning, financial technology, and intelligent decision-making. He has published more than 10 English academic papers, Host the National Natural Science Foundation and Sichuan Natural Science Foundation projects, and served as a reviewer for many academic journals such as "Omega". All students are welcome to join my research team.

Educational Background

2014.9—2020.6, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Management Science and Engineering, PhD (Master-PhD)

2018.7—2019.7, University of Granada, Spain, Computer Science, Visiting Scholar

2010.9—2014.6, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Bachelor

Work Experience

2022.3-Present, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, School of Management Science and Engineering, Lecturer

2020.7—2022.2, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, School of Economics and Management, Postdoctoral Fellow

Lecturing Courses

Financial Data Analysis And Programming, Information System Analysis And Design, Business Intelligence

Research Achievements

Journal Articles

[1] Wang , H., Kou, G., Peng, Y. (2021). An iterative algorithm to derive priority from large-scale sparse pairwise comparison matrix. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems

[2] Wang, H., Peng, Y.,Kou , G.(2021).A two-stage ranking method to minimize ordinal violations for pairwise comparisons.Applied Soft Computing

[3] Wang, H., Kou, G., Peng, Y.(2020).Multi-class Misclassification Cost Matrix for Credit Ratings inPeer -to-Peer Lending.Journal of the Operational Research Society

[4] Chen, W., Zhao, Q., Quayson , M., Du, H., Wang, H.(2022). Electricity quality emergency investment with a bargaining contract in the electricity supply chain under the COVID-19 pandemic .Emerging Markets Finance and Trade

[5] Chen, W., Wang, H., He, J. (2022).Research on electricity supply chain strategy coordination considering peak-valley pricing policy and service quality investment.RAIRO - Operations Research

[6] Li, Y., Kou G., Li, G., Wang, H. (2021).Multi-attribute group decision making with opinion dynamics based on social trust network.Information Fusion

[7] Chen, J., Kou, G., Wang, H., Zhao, Y. (2021). Influence identification of opinion leaders in social networks: an agent-based simulation on competing advertisements. Information Fusion

[8] Wang, R., Wang, H., Chen, Y. (2021). COVID-19 Shock and Interest Expense Stickiness: Evidence from Chinese Listed Firms. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade

Research Projects

(1) National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Project "Credit Rating of Small and Micro Enterprises Based on Multi-agent Complex Network", 2023.01 to 2025.12, Host

(2) Sichuan Provincial Natural Science Foundation Youth Project "Research on Data Mining Methods and Regulatory Strategies for Enterprise Credit Risk Grading and Classification Management", 2023.01-2024.12, Host

(3) National Social Science Fund Major Project "Research on Dynamic Monitoring of Local Financial Operation and Early Warning of Systemic Risks", 2019.12-2024.01, Participant

(4) National Natural Science Foundation of China Key International (Regional) Cooperation Research Project "Research on Social Network Group Behavior Patterns and Decision-making for Credit Risk Prevention", 2020.01 to 2024.12, Participant

(5) National Natural Science Foundation of China General Project "Research on the Resilience of Local Financial Systems Based on Network Structure and Evolution Information", 2023.01 to 2026.12, Participant

书记邮箱:zhoum@swufe.edu.cn, 院长邮箱:luwb@swufe.edu.cn, 学院办公电话:87081979
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