Ma dan
Department of Information Management and Information Systems
Email: madan94@swufe.edu.cn
Personal Profile
Dan Ma is currently a teacher at the School of Management Science and Engineering, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics. She received his Ph.D. in Engineering from Renmin University of China in 2022. Her main research areas are online user behavior and e-health. She serves as an anonymous reviewer for international academic journals and conferences such as Industrial Management & Data Systems, Aslib Journal of Information Management, Big Data Research, European Conference on Information Systems, International Conference on Information Systems, Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, and Annual Pre-ICIS Workshop on HCI Research in MIS.
Educational Background
2016/09 ~ 2022/06 Doctor of Computer Application Technology, Renmin University of China
2019/08~2020/08 Visiting scholar, Department of Information Systems, WP Carey School of Business, Arizona State University, USA
2012/09~2016/06 Bachelor of Information Management and Information Systems, Renmin University of China
Work Experience
2022/07 ~Present Lecturer, School of Management Science and Engineering, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
Research Interests
User online behavior, smart elderly care and smart healthcare, IT governance and data governance
Lecturing Courses
Programming and Python Applications
Research Achievements
[1] Ma, D.,& Zuo, M. (2022). Unconscious or conscious? The impacts of habit and social support receipt on older adults' continued participation in online health communities. Aslib Journal of Information Management, 74(4),688-709
[2] Ma, D., Zuo, M.*, Liu L (2021). The Information Needs of Chinese Family members of Cancer Patients in the Online Health Community: What and Why?. Information Processing & Management,58(3) , 102517.
[3] Zuo, M., Ma, D., & Yu, Y*. (2020). Contextual determinants of IT governance mechanism formulation for senior care services in local governments. International Journal of Information Management, 53, 102125.
[4] Ma, D., Zhou, J., & Zuo, M.* (2020). Inter-agency information sharing for Chinese e- government development: a comparison between vertical and horizontal dimensions. Information Technology for Development, 1- 22. https://doi.org/10.1080/02681102.2020.1801566
[5] Shang, L., Zuo, M. *,Ma , D., & Yu, Q. (2019). The Antecedents and Consequences of Health Care Professional–Patient Online Interactions: Systematic Review. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21(9), e13940.
[6] Ma Dan, Zuo Meiyun*, & Shang Lili. (2019). Opportunity analysis of joint analysis method in personal information privacy research. Modern Intelligence, 39(9), 12-20.
[7] Ma Dan, Zuo Meiyun*. (2018). Data sharing among government organizations: the difference between “line” and “block”: taking the elderly-related departments as an example. Forum for Doctoral Students and Young Scholars of the Chinese Chapter of the Association for Information Systems, Beijing, China. (Outstanding Paper)
Research Projects:
2023-2024, Central University Basic Research Business Young Teacher Development Project, "Social Support Seeking and Support in Online Mental Health Communities" (Project No.: JBK2304124), Project Leader