Yang Yongjian
Department of Computational Finance
Email: yyongjian@swufe.edu.cn
Personal Profile
Yang Yongjian is currently a teacher at the School of Management Science and Engineering of Southwestern University of Finance and Economics. He received his Ph.D. in Electronic Technology in 2023. His main research directions are intelligent decision-making and optimization, production and logistics operation management, etc.
Educational Background
2019/09 - 2023/06 PhD in Management Science and Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
2021/03 - 2021/09 Visiting Scholar of Maritime Logistics, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
2016/09 - 2019/06 Master of System Theory, Kunming University of Science and Technology
2012/09 - 2016/ 06 Bachelor of Information and Computing Science, North University of China
Work Experience
2022/07 -Present Lecturer, School of Management Science and Engineering, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
Research Achievements
[1] Yang Y, Yin Y, Wang D*, Ignatius J, and Dhamotharan L. (2023). Distributionally robust multi-period location-allocation with multiple resources and capacity levels in humanitarian logistics. European Journal of Operational Research, 305(3):1042-1062.
[2] Yin Y, Yang Y, Yu Y, Wang D*, and Cheng TCE (2022). Robust vehicle routing with drones under uncertain demands and truck travel times in humanitarian logistics. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 174:102781.
[3] Yang Y, Yin G, Wang C, and Yin Y*. (2022). Due date assignment and two-agent scheduling under multitasking environment. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 44: 2207-2223.
[4] Han D, Yang Y, Wang D, Cheng TC E, and Yin Y*. (2019). Integrated production, inventory, and outbound distribution operations with fixed departure times in a three-stage supply chain. Transportation Research Part E : Logistics and Transportation Review, 125: 334-347.
[5] Yin Y, Yang Y, Wang D*, Cheng TC E, and Wu CC (2018). Integrated production, inventory, and batch delivery scheduling with due date assignment and two competing agents. Naval Research Logistics, 65(5): 393-409.
[6] Yang Y*, Yin Y, and Shi Q. (2020). Two competing agents with due date assignment scheduling under multitasking environment. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM), 423-428.
Research Projects
(1) National Natural Science Foundation of China, "Research on Family Medical Care Resource Scheduling based on Data Analysis in Uncertain Environment", Participated
(2) National Natural Science Foundation of China Regional project "Research on New Multi agent Scheduling Problem", Participated
(3) Sichuan Province Outstanding Young Scientific Talents Project "Research on the Theory and Method of Optimization of Complex Logistics Process Driven by Data", Participated