Zhang Yang
Department of Computational Finance
Email: zhangyang@swufe.edu.cn
Office: D406, Tongbo Building
Personal Profile
Zhang Yang is currently a teacher at the School of Management Science and Engineering, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics. He graduated from the School of Information Science, Kyoto University, Japan, with a Ph.D. He has an interdisciplinary background in finance and computer science, as well as experience in the innovation and development of financial IT systems. He is currently engaged in research on issues in the intersection of natural language processing, text mining, and financial market prediction.
Research Filed
Natural Language Processing, Text Mining, Time Series Forecasting, Recommendation Systems, Investment Algorithms, Etc.
Lecturing Courses
Deep Learning, Business Data Mining and Analysis, Natural Language Processing, Data Mining, Data Analysis (Python)
Educational Background
2016-2022, PhD in Informatics, Kyoto University, Japan
2014-2016, Master of Finance and Economics, University of Sydney, Australia
2010-2014, University of New South Wales, Australia, Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
Work Experience
2023-Present, School of Management Science and Engineering, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
2022-2023, Fintech Innovation Center, China Construction Bank Group
Research Achievements
1. Yang Zhang, and Qiang Ma (2022), Dual Attention Model for Citation Recommendation with Analyses on Explainability of Attention Mechanisms and Qualitative Experiments, Computational Linguistics, 48(2), 430-470.
2. Yang Zhang, and Qiang Ma (2020), Dual Attention Model for Citation Recommendation, COLING2020.
3. Yang Zhang, and Qiang Ma (2021), Recommending Multiple Positive Citations for Manuscripts via Content-Dependent Modeling and Multi-Positive Triplet, WI-IAT2021.
4. Yang Zhang, and Qiang Ma (2022), MP-BERT4REC: Recommending Multiple Positive Citations for Manuscripts via Content-Dependent BERT and Multi-Positive Triplet, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, 105(11), 1957-1968.
5. Yang Zhang, and Qiang Ma (2020), DocCit2Vec: Citation Recommendation via Embedding of Content and Structural Contexts, IEEE Access, 8. 115865-115875.
6. Yang Zhang, and Qiang Ma (2019), Citation Recommendations Considering Content and Structural Context Embedding, BigComp2020.
Research Projects:
National Natural Science Foundation of China, Youth Project, "Research on the Theory and Key Technologies of Event Prediction Large Model for Temporal Semantic Joint Representation", 2025-2027, Project Leader
Special Funds for Basic Scientific Research Operation Expenses of Central Universities, Key Project, Research on Key Algorithms for Intelligent Reasoning of Financial Reports Based on Multimodal Financial Big Model, 2023-2024, Project Leader
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Key Project, Entity-oriented Investment Big Data Analysis Foundation for Evidence-Based Investment Support, 2019-2022, Core Member
Academic Conference Services:
Served as Program Committee of ECIR2023, ECIR2024, ECIR2025, COLING2023, COLING2024, COLING2025 and ECAI2024, and has been the Best Recognized Reviewer of ECIR2023 conference.