
​Xiong Jie

Xiong Jie

Department of Computational Finance

Email: xiongjie@swufe.edu.cn

Office: D406, Tongbo Building

Personal Profile

Xiong Jie, graduated from the Information School of Renmin University of China, currently teaches at Southwest University of Finance and Economics. His research interests include large model pre-training, natural language processing, recommendation systems, information retrieval, etc. He serves as a reviewer for international journals and conferences such as IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS), Expert Systems with Applications (ESWA), Information Processing & Management (IPM), ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), and Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML-PKDD). Xiong Jie has many years of work experience in Internet companies such as Qihoo 360 and Zhihu. He is mainly responsible for large model pre-training, content & user understanding, search ranking, etc. He has led the team to achieve business breakthroughs many times, accumulated rich practical experience in the industry, and has extensive exchanges and cooperation in academic research and implementation applications.

Lecturing Courses

Deep Learning, Business Data Mining and Analysis, Data Mining, Financial Data Structure and Algorithm Application

Research Achievements

Jie Xiong, Li Yu, Xi Niu, and Youfang Leng. "XRR: Extreme multi-label text classification with candidate retrieving and deep ranking." Information Sciences 622 (2023): 115-132.

Jie Xiong, Li Yu, Dongsong Zhang, and Youfang Leng. "DNCP: An attention-based deep learning approach enhanced with attractiveness and timeliness of News for online news click prediction." Information & Management 58, no. 2 (2021): 103428.

Jie Xiong, Huiyuan Li, Qiyuan Duan and Qihan Du. "Towards Extreme Multi-label Text Classification Through Group-wise Label Ranking", The 35th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, SEKE2023

Youfang Leng, Li Yu, and Jie Xiong. "Recurrent convolution basket map for diversity next-basket recommendation." Database Systems for Advanced Applications 25th International Conference, DASFAA 2020

Youfang Leng, Li Yu, and Jie Xiong. "Deepreviewer: Collaborative grammar and innovation neural network for automatic paper review." 2019 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction. 2019.

书记邮箱:zhoum@swufe.edu.cn, 院长邮箱:luwb@swufe.edu.cn, 学院办公电话:87081979
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