Xu Yun
Department of Information Management and Information Systems
Professor, Doctoral Supervisor
Email: xuyun@swufe.edu.cn
Personal Profile
Xu Yun is a professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of Management Science and Engineering, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics. Dr. Xu Yun graduated from Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He is currently engaged in research in financial technology, management information systems, and e-commerce. He was selected into the "Young Scholar Support Program" of Alibaba Research Institute in 2010, selected as the "Sichuan Province Academic and Technical Leader Reserve Candidate" in 2011, and won the Outstanding Scientific Research Achievement Award of Southwestern University of Finance and Economics in 2014. Dr. Xu Yun has Host and conducted several National Social Science Fund projects, major projects of the National Natural Science Foundation, and key projects of the National Social Science Foundation. He has published more than 30 papers in excellent domestic and foreign journals and conferences such as Information & Management, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Journal of Knowledge Management, Academy of Management, ICIS, Scientific Research Management, Journal of Systems Management, Journal of Information Systems, and the Annual Meeting of the Chinese Academy of Management.
Research Field
Professor Xu Yun's main research includes a wide range of technology management and application fields, including management information systems, e-commerce, financial technology, and Internet finance. He emphasizes the use of theories in related fields such as information systems, organizational behavior, strategy and enterprise management, and social networks to analyze the application, management, and impact of technology in various fields. Several current research projects are mainly focused on Internet open innovation (for example, user behavior analysis on crowdfunding and crowdsourcing platforms) and financial technology (for example, new applications in the blockchain environment). In terms of research methods, he mainly uses general empirical research methods, such as case studies, questionnaires, experimental studies, etc. In recent years, he has also tried to integrate the latest big data analysis technology into traditional management research.
Educational background
PhD in Information Technology and Operations Management, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Master of Systems Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Bachelor of Automatic Control, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Work Experience
2009–Present: Lecturer/Associate Professor/Professor, Department Head/Assistant Dean, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
2012: Visiting Professor, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
2006–2009: Teaching Assistant/Lecturer, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
2001–2004: Teaching Assistant/Lecturer, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Honorary Awards
2017 Second Prize of the 8th Higher Education Teaching Achievement Award of Sichuan Province
2016 Southwestern University of Finance and Economics Teaching Achievement Award First Prize
2014 Southwestern University of Finance and Economics Outstanding Scientific Research Achievement Award
2013 Outstanding Teacher of Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
2013 Sichuan Province Award Winner of the First National College Micro-Course Teaching Competition
2013 Outstanding Teacher of School of Economic Information Engineering, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
2011 Reserve candidate for academic and technical leader of Sichuan Province
2010 Alibaba Research Center "Young Scholars Support Program"
2010 Outstanding Teacher of School of Economics and Information Engineering, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
2009 First Prize Southwestern University of Finance and Economics School of Economics and Information Engineering Teaching Competition
2004-2009 Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, full scholarship
Lecturing Courses
2009 – present: Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
Undergraduate: Management Information Systems (English), Strategic Management (English)
Graduate students: Business research methods (PhD students, Master students), Classic literature reading (PhD students)
2006 – 2009: Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Undergraduate: Business Information Technology, Statistics and Quantitative Analysis, Accounting Information Systems
Research Achievement
Xu, Y., Boh, WF, Luo, C., & Zheng, H. (2018). Leveraging industry standards to improve the environmental sustainability of a supply chain. Electronic Commerce Research & Applications, 27, 90-105.
Zheng, HC, Xu, B., Wang, T., & Xu, Y. (2017). An empirical study of sponsor satisfaction in reward-based crowdfunding. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research. 18(3). 269-285.
Wu, J., Li, H., Zheng, H., & Xu, Y. (2017). Signaling in joint venture capital: a social network perspective. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 117(10), 2340-2363.
Xu, Y., Liu, J., Wu, J., & Luo, C. (2016). Improving supply chain performance through industry standards use and community socialization: a perspective of standards consortia. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management ,46(8), 763-782.
Xu, B., Zheng, H., Xu, Y., & Wang, T. (2016). Configurational paths to sponsor satisfaction in crowdfunding. Journal of Business Research, 69(2), 915-927.
Xu, Y., Luo, C., Chen, D., & Zheng, H. (2015). What influences the market outcome of online p2p lending marketplace: a cross-country analysis. Journal of Global Information Management, 23(3), 23-40.
Luo, C., Luo, X., Xu, Y., Warkentin, M., & Sia, CL (2015). Examining the moderating role of sense of membership in online review evaluations. Information & Management, 52(3), 305-316.
Xu, Y., Boh , WF, & Soh, C. (2014). Vertical IS standards deployment and integration: a study of antecedents and benefits. Information & Management, 51(2), 206-216.
Zheng, H., Li, D., Wu, J., & Xu, Y. (2014). The role of multidimensional social capital in crowdfunding: a comparative study in China and US. Information & Management, 51(4), 488-496.
Luo, C., Wu, J., Shi, Y., & Xu, Y. (2014). The effects of individualism–collectivism cultural orientation on eWOM information. International Journal of Information Management,34(4), 446-456.
Boh , WF, Nguyen, TT, & Xu, Y. (2013). Knowledge transfer across dissimilar cultures. Journal of Knowledge Management, 17(1), 29-46.
Tung, L. L.,Xu , Y. &Tan, FB(2009). Attributes of web site usability: a study of web users with the repertory grid technique. International Journal of Electronic Commerce,13(4), 97-126.
Tan, FB, Tung, LL, & Xu, Y. (2009). A study of web-designers' criteria for effective Business-to-Consumer (B2C) websites using the repertory grid technique. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research,10( 3), 155--177.
Xu, Yun. Boh , Wai Fong. and Soh, Christina. (2008) "Post-Adoption of Vertical Information Systems Standards ", Proceedings of Academy of Management (AOM), Anaheim, CA.
Boh , WF, Xu, Y., & Soh, C. (2008). VIS Standards Deployment and Integration: A Study of Antecedents and Benefits. International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2008, Paris, France, December( Vol.51, pp.22) DBLP.
Xu Yun, Luo Chuan, Wu Jing, Liu Ling. Research on the impact of industry e-commerce standard promotion on corporate profits[J]. Science Research Management, 2016, 37(8):94-102.
Hu Fang, Xu Yun, Zhan Minxue, Li Dapeng. Exploratory study on B2B e-commerce usage behavior of small and medium-sized enterprises[J]. Journal of Systems and Management, 2017, 26(3): 473-484.
Hu Fang, Xu Yun, Zhong Mei, Liu Jiafen. An empirical analysis of the impact of business alliances on online shopping[J]. Journal of Systems and Management, 2015, 24(5):654-663.
Xu Yun, Zhang Pan, Ding Jie. Analysis of e-commerce users who only browse but do not buy: Taking Taobao as an example[J]. Journal of Information Systems, 2012(1):64-75.
Research Projects
2016 Central University Basic Research Business Expenses Special Fund Project "Analysis of the Impact of Crowdfunding Platform Openness on Fundraising Results" (Project No.: JBK160934), Project Leader
2015 Sichuan Provincial Science and Technology Department Platform Project "Science and Technology Financial Public Service Platform Based on Crowdfunding Model", Project Leader
2014 Southwestern University of Finance and Economics annual major basic theoretical research project "Internet financial development, risk and regulation research" (project number: JBK141117), project leader
2014 Central University Basic Research Business Expenses Special Fund Project "Research on Supply Chain Collaborative Innovation Based on Industry E-commerce Standards" (Project No.: JBK140127), Project Leader
2013 National Social Science Fund Youth Project "Research on Supply Chain Relationship and Supply Chain Benefits Based on the Perspective of Industry Associations" (Project No.: 13CGL143), Project Leader
2013 National Natural Science Foundation Youth Project "Research on the Impact of Value Co-creation Behavior of Crowdfunding Project Initiators and Funders on Project Performance" (Project No.: 71302186), sub-project leader
2012 National Natural Science Foundation of China Major Project "Trusted Network Transaction Software System Experimental Environment and Demonstration Application" (Project No.: 91218301), sub-project leader
2011 National Social Science Fund Key Project "Research on the Integration of Technological Innovation and Financial Innovation in the Context of an Innovative Country" (11AZD077), sub-project leader
2011 Ministry of Education Returned Overseas Students Research Start-up Fund "Empirical Study on the Adoption and Benefits of Industry Information System Standards", Project Leader
2011 Sichuan Provincial Science and Technology Department Platform Project "Open Innovation and Micro-financing Service Platform for Small and Medium Enterprises Based on Social Networks", sub-project leader
2010 Taobao (China) Software Co., Ltd. "Analysis of Taobao User Behavior Focused on Browsing" (TB20110009), Project Leader
2010 Alibaba (China) Co., Ltd. project "Research on e-commerce behavior patterns, potential needs and potential markets of small and medium-sized enterprises" (Major Project Ali-2010-A-9), Project Leader
2010 Southwestern University of Finance and Economics "211 Project" Young Teacher Development Project "Empirical Research on Microfinance Application under Cross-border and Cross-business Models" (211QN10107), Project Leader
2010 Financial Intelligence and Financial Engineering Sichuan Provincial Key Laboratory Project "Microfinance Theory and Application in Internet Environment", Project Leader
2010 Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Sciences Fund Project "Research on the Operation Mechanism and User Behavior Pattern of Online Financing Platforms", sub-project leader
2009 Southwestern University of Finance and Economics returned overseas students research project "Empirical research on the diffusion of online financial services in small and medium-sized enterprises", project leader