
Xiao Feng

Xiao Feng

Title: Professor

Email: xiaofeng@swufe.edu.cn

Personal Profile

Xiao Feng is the director of the Artificial Intelligence and Management Science Research Center of Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, the vice dean of the Big Data Research Institute, a professor, doctoral supervisor, a recipient of the National Outstanding Youth Fund and the National Natural Science Foundation of China Excellent Youth Fund, a national young talent, and an academic and technical leader in Sichuan Province. His research interests mainly include artificial intelligence algorithms and data mining, complex transportation system modeling and optimization, financial risk control and quantitative trading, blockchain, etc. He has Host and participated in more than 10 important national and provincial and ministerial projects, including the NSFC-RGC Hong Kong-Mainland Joint Fund, the National Key R&D Program, and the NSFC-Guangdong Big Data Science Center Project. He has published more than 70 papers in famous international journals and conferences in the fields of management science and engineering, transportation technology and data mining, such as Transportation Science, Transportation Research Part A, B, C, D, E, IEEE TKDE, ISTTT, etc. The research team maintains close cooperation and visiting exchange relations with famous universities at home and abroad, such as the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the University of California, Berkeley, Davis, the University of Toronto, the University of Leeds, and Tsinghua University.

Educational Background

Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Davis, 2007-2011

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Civil Engineering and Transportation Engineering, 2004-2007, PhD

Tsinghua University, Civil Engineering and Transportation Engineering, 2001-2004, Master

Tsinghua University, Civil Engineering and Structural Engineering, 1997-2001, Bachelor

Scientific research

Ongoing projects:

Project Host, National Outstanding Young Scientist Fund Project (72025104): Game Modeling and Pricing Optimization of Urban Transportation Systems, RMB 2.8 million, 2021-2025;

Participated in the National Key R&D Program "Integrated Transportation and Intelligent Transportation" Project (2018YFB1600902): Computable Urban Multimodal Transportation Network Model and Carrying Capacity Analysis Method, RMB 400,000, 2019~2021;

Project Host, NSFC-Guangdong Big Data Science Center Project (U1811462), Topic 3: Building an intelligent monitoring and early warning system for local financial operation dynamics and regional systemic risks, 4 million, 2019~2022;

Project Host, National Natural Science Foundation of China International (Regional) Cooperation and Exchange Project NSFC-RGC (Mainland-Hong Kong) (71861167001): Passenger mobility analysis based on online car-hailing platform data and artificial intelligence algorithms, 1 million, 2019~2022;

Project Host, Sichuan Province Applied Basic Research Project (2018JY0254): Analysis of Resident Travel Characteristics Based on Urban Traffic Multi- source Data and Artificial Intelligence Algorithms, RMB 100,000, 2018-2019;

Completed projects:

Project Host, National Natural Science Foundation of China Excellent Young Scientist Fund Project (71622007): Traffic System Modeling and Management Optimization, 1.3 million, 2017~2019 (post-project evaluation: excellent);

Sub-project leader, National Natural Science Foundation of China Key Project (71431003): Optimization and Management of Low-Carbon Oriented Urban Transportation Systems, RMB 2.3 million, 2015-2019;

Project Host, Central University Basic Research Business Expenses Innovation Team Project (JBK170501): Urban Traffic Data Mining and Intelligent Decision-making, RMB 300,000, 2017~2019;

Sub-project leader, National Social Science Fund Major Project (13&ZD175): Research on Vulnerability Assessment and Control Strategy of Urban Metro System, RMB 800,000, 2014-2018;

Project Host, Chengdu Hengtu Technology Co., Ltd., Medical speech recognition based on end -to-end recurrent neural network algorithm, 2017;

Project Host, Shandong City Commercial Bank Alliance, Bank Account Transaction Risk Early Warning System Based on Deep Learning, 2018;

Project Host, Chengdu Science and Technology Benefiting the People Technology R&D Project: Chengdu Traffic Analysis System Based on Mobile Signaling Data, RMB 200,000, 2017~2018;

Project Host, Shandong City Commercial Bank Alliance, Bank card magnetic stripe transaction risk control model based on machine learning algorithm, 2017;

Project Host, Chengdu Innovation Environment Optimization Engineering Soft Science Research Project: Research on Crowd Gathering Risk Assessment and Control Strategy Based on Video Recognition, 2016.01-2016.12;

Project Host, National Doctoral Program Fund Project (New Teacher Category, 20120184120017): Research on Taxi Dispatch System with Credit Scoring Mechanism, 2013-2015;

Project Host, National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Science Fund Project (71201135): Research on road congestion charging model and congestion relief strategy based on tradable credit securities, 2013-2015 (post-project evaluation: excellent);

Project Host, Central Universities Scientific Research Business Expenses Science and Technology Innovation Project: Daily Dynamic Traffic Flow Modeling and Optimal Control Problems, 2014-2015;

Project Host, Sichuan Province Application Basic Plan Project (2013JY0037): LBS interactive mobile platform with taxi intelligent dispatch system as the core, 2013-2014;

Project Host, Central University Special Research Project (SWJTU11ZT12): Urban Green Transportation Planning Theory and System Design, 2011~2013;

Project Host, reverse calculation and prediction of freight OD matrix in Longgang District, Shenzhen, 2011;

Credit-based pricing on multi-class network. UC Davis Sustainable Transportation Research Center Project, April 2010-April 2011. $12,000.

The optimal coarse toll for heterogeneous commuters in the morning commute. A project of the Center for Sustainable Transportation Research at the University of California, Davis, April 2009-April 2010. $12,000.

Evaluation of I-5 closure in downtown Sacramento. California Department of Transportation. May 2008-Jan 2009. $249,988.

Provision of road capacity through privately built roads: capacity, pricing and competition issues. California Department of Transportation Innovation Project Fund, Jan.01-Dec.31, 2008. $25,000.

Evaluation and comparison of different strategies for Fifth Street Corridor Improvement. UC Davis Center for Sustainable Transportation Research, 2008. $12,000.

Study on the integration of KCR West Rail and surrounding public transport systems, 2007;

Traffic impact analysis of Lung Yuk Tau 12A residential area, 2007;

Traffic impact analysis of Dalian Software Park Phase II, 2007.

Research Achievements

[1] Zhang, D., Xiao, F., Kou, G., Luo, J. and Yang, F., 2023. Learning Spatial-Temporal Features of Ride-Hailing Services with Fusion Convolutional Networks. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2023.

[2] Wan, Y., Xiao, F. and Zhang, D., 2022. Early-stage phishing detection on the Ethereum transaction network. Soft Computing, pp.1-13.

[3] Yan, X., Kou, G., Xiao, F., Zhang, D. and Gan, X., 2022. Region-based demand forecasting in bike-sharing systems using a multiple spatiotemporal fusion neural network. Soft Computing , pp.1-14.

[4] Liu, X., Yang, H. and Xiao, F., 2022. Equilibrium in taxi and ride-sourcing service considering the use of e-hailing application. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 18(3), pp. 659-675.

[5] Li, P., Tian, L., Xiao, F. and Zhu, H., 2022. Can day-to-day dynamic model be solved analytically? New insights on portraying equilibrium and accommodating autonomous vehicles. Transportation research part B: methodological,166, pp.374-395.

[6] Feng, S., Ke, J., Xiao, F. and Yang, H., 2022. Approximating a ride-sourcing system with block matching. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies,145, p.103920.

[7] Fan, W., Tang, Z., Ye, P., Xiao, F. and Zhang, J., 2022. Deep Learning-Based Dynamic Traffic Assignment With Incomplete Origin–Destination Data. Transportation Research Record, p. 03611981221123805.

[8] Zhang, Z., Zhai, G., Xie, K. and Xiao, F., 2022. Exploring the nonlinear effects of ridesharing on public transit usage: A case study of San Diego. Journal of Transport Geography,104, p.103449.

[9] Fan, W. and Xiao, F., 2022. Managing bottleneck congestion with tradable credits under asymmetric transaction cost. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 158, p.102600.

[10] Dapeng, Z. and Xiao, F., 2021. Dynamic auto-structuring graph neural network: a joint learning framework for origin-destination demand prediction. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering.

[11] Xiao, F. and Ke, J., 2021. Pricing, management and decision-making of financial markets with artificial intelligence: introduction to the issue. Financial Innovation, 7, pp.1-3.

[12] Wang, Z., Safdar, M., Zhong, S., Liu, J. and Xiao, F., 2021. Public preferences of shared autonomous vehicles in developing countries: a cross-national study of Pakistan and China. Journal of Advanced Transportation,2021, pp.1-19.

[13] Kou, G., Yang, P., Peng, Y., Xiao, H., Xiao, F., Chen, Y. and Alsaadi, FE, 2021. A cross- platform market structure analysis method using online product reviews. Technological and Economic Development of Economy,27(5), pp.992-1018.

[14] Chen, XM, Chen, X., Zheng, H. and Xiao, F., 2021. Efficient dispatching for on-demand ride services: Systematic optimization via Monte-Carlo tree search. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 127, p.103156.

[15] Tu, W., Xiao, F., Li, L. and Fu, L., 2021. Estimating traffic flow states with smart phone sensor data. Transportation research part C: emerging technologies, 126, p.103062.

[16] Li, L., Lo, HK, Huang, W.* and Xiao, F., 2021. Mixed bus fleet location-routing-scheduling under range uncertainty. Transportation Research Part B146, 155-179.

[17] Yang, HT*, Zhang, ZL, Fan, WB and Xiao, F., 2021. Optimal Design for Demand Responsive Connector Service Considering Elastic Demand. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. doi : 10.1109/TITS.2021.3054678.

[18] Liu, XH, Yang, HT* and Xiao, F., 2021. Equilibrium in Taxi and Ride-sourcing Service Considering the Use of E-hailing Application. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 1-22.

[19] Zhong, SP, Gong, YH, Zhou, ZJ, Cheng, R. and Xiao, F.*, 2021. Active learning for multi-objective optimal road congestion pricing considering negative land use effect. Transportation Research Part C125, 103002.

[20] Ye, HB, Xiao, F.*, Yang, H., 2021. Day-to-day dynamics with advanced traveler information. Transportation Research Part B144, 23-44.

[21] Zhang, DP, Xiao, F.*, Shen, MY and Zhong, SP, 2021. DNEAT: A Novel Dynamic Node-Edge Attention Network for Origin-destination Demand Prediction. Transportation Research Part C122, 102851.

[22] Yan, X., Kou, G., Xiao, F., Zhang, D. and Gan, X., 2020. Demand Forecasting in Bike sharing Systems Based on A Multiple Spatiotemporal Fusion Network.arXiv preprint ArXiv: 2010.03027.

[23] Yan, X., Kou, G., Xiao, F., Zhang, D. and Gan, X., 2020. Predicting Hourly Demand in Station-free Bike-sharing Systems with Video-level Data. CoRR.

[24] Liu, X., Ding, Y.*, Tang, H. and Xiao, F., 2020. A data mining-based framework for the identification of daily electricity usage patterns and anomaly detection in building electricity consumption data. Energy and Buildings, 110601.

[25] Ke, JT, Xiao, F.*, Yang, H. and Ye, JP, 2020. Learning to delay in ride-sourcing systems: a multi-agent deep reinforcement learning framework. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. doi : 10.1109/TKDE.2020.3006084.

[26] Chen, Jia; Kou, Gang; Peng, Yi; Chao, rui; Xiao, Feng; Alsaadi, Fawaz E, 2020. Effect of Marketing Messages and Consumer Engagement on Economic Performance: Evidence from Weibo. Internet Research. https: //doi.org/10.1108/INTR-07-2019-0296.

[27] Gan Wan, Gang Kou*, Tie Li, Feng Xiao, Yang Chen, 2020. Pricing policies in a Retailer Stackelberg O2O green supply chain. Sustainability 12(8), 3236.

[28] Sun, J., Wu, JY, Xiao, F., Tian, Y.*, Xu, XD, 2020. Managing Bottleneck Congestion with Incentives. Transportation Research Part B134, 143-166.

[29] Kou, G., Yang, P., Peng, Y., Xiao, F., Chen, Y., Alsaadi, FE, 2019. Evaluation of feature selection methods for text classification with small datasets using multiple criteria decision- making methods. Applied Soft Computing86, 105836.

[30] Li, L., Lo, HK*, Xiao, F., 2019. Mixed Bus Fleet Scheduling under Range and Refueling Constraints. Transportation Research Part C104, 443-462.

[31] Xiao, F.*, Shen, MY, Xu, ZT, Li, RJ, Yang, H. and Yin, YF, 2019. Day-to-day Flow Dynamics for Stochastic User Equilibrium and A General Lyapunov Function. Transportation Science53(3), 683-694.

[32] Xiao, F., Zhang, D., Kou, G. and Li, L., 2019. Learning spatiotemporal features of ride-sourcing services with fusion convolutional network. arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.06823.

[33] Xiao, F., Long, JC, Li, L.*, Kou, G. and Nie, Y., 2019. Promoting Social Equity with Cyclic Tradable Credits. Transportation Research Part B121(2019), 56-73.

[34] Li, L., Lo, HK*, Xiao, F., Cen, XK, 2018. Mixed Bus Fleet Management Strategy for Minimizing Overall and Emissions External Costs Transportation. Transportation Research Part D60, 104-118.

[35] Ge, YE*, Long, JC, Xiao, F., Shi, Q., 2018. Traffic modeling for low-emission transport. Transportation Research Part D60, 1-6.

[36] Li, L., Lo, HK and Xiao, F., 2018. Optimizing mixed-fleet bus scheduling under range constraint. InCASPT 2018 (Conference on Advanced Systems in Public Transport and Transit Data 2018) ( pp. 1-16 ).

[37] Ye, HB, Xiao, F.*, Yang, H., 2018. Exploration of day-to-day route choice models by a virtual experiment. Transportation Research Part C94, 220-235.

[38] Xu, L., Zhang, C., Xiao, F.*and Wang, F., 2017. A Robust Approach to Airport Gate Assignment with a Solution-dependent Uncertainty Budget. Transportation Research Part B105, 458-478.

[39] Bao, Y., Xiao, F., Gao, ZH, Gao, ZY*, 2017. Investigation of the traffic congestion during public holiday and the impact of the toll-exemption policy. Transportation Research Part B104, 58-81.

[40] Ye, HB, Xiao, F.*, Yang, H., 2017. Exploration of day-to-day route choice models by a virtual experiment. Transportation Research Procedia23, 679-699.

[41] Xiao, F.*, Yang, H. and Ye, HB, 2016. Physics of Day-To-Day Network Flow Dynamics. Transportation Research Part B86, 86-103.

[42] Nie, YM*, Ghamami, M., Zockaie, A. andXiao, F., 2016. Optimization of Incentive Polices for Plug-in Electric Vehicles. Transportation Research Part B84,103-123.

[43] Zhu, JC, Xiao, F.*and Liu, XB, 2015. Taxis in road pricing zone: should they pay the congestion charge? Journal of Advanced Transportation49(1), 96-113.

[44] Xiao, F. and Zhang, HM*, 2014. Pareto-Improving Toll and Subsidy Scheme on Transportation Networks. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research14(1), 46-65.

[45] Xiao, F.*and Zhang, HM, 2014. Pareto-Improving and Self-Sustainable Pricing for the Morning Commute with Nonidentical Commuters. Transportation Science48(2), 159-169.

[46] Xiao, F., Qian, Z. and Zhang, HM*, 2013. Managing Bottleneck Congestion with Tradable Credits. Transportation Research Part B56(0), 1-14.

[47] Xiao, F., Shen, W. and Zhang, HM*, 2012. The Morning Commute under Flat Toll and Tactical Waiting. Transportation Research Part B46(10), 1346-1359.

[48] Qian, Z., Xiao, F., Zhang, HM*, 2012. Managing morning commute with parking. Transportation Research Part B46(7), 894–916.

[49] Qian, Z., Xiao, F. and Zhang, HM*, 2011. The Economics of Parking Provision for the Morning Commute. Transportation Research Part A, 45(9), 861-879.

[50] Xiao, F., Qian, Z. and Zhang, HM*, 2010. Morning commute problem with coarse toll and nonidentical commuters. Networks and Spatial Economics,11 August 2010, 1-27.

[51] Yang, H.* and Xiao, F., 2009. Private road competition and equilibrium with traffic equilibrium constraints. The Journal of Advanced Transportation43(1), 21-45.

[52] Xiao, F.*, Yang, H., 2008. Efficiency loss of private road with continuously distributed value of time. Transportmetrica 4(1), 19-32.

[53] Xiao, F., Yang, H.* and Guo, XL, 2007. Bounding the inefficiency of toll competition among congested roads. Transportation and Traffic Theory 2007(ISTTT17) (edited by Richard E. Allsop), Elsevier, 27 -54. Imperial College London, UK.

[54] Xiao, F., Yang, H.* and Han, DR, 2007. Competition and efficiency of private toll roads. Transportation Research Part B41(3), 292-308.

[55] Xiao, F.and Yang, H.*, 2007. Three-player game-theoretic model over a freight transportation network. Transportation Research Part C15(4), 209-217.

[56] Liu Xingwei, Liu Jianwei, Xiao Feng. Feasibility study of traffic flow prediction method based on deep learning[J]. Hebei Traffic Education. 2018, (02):45-47+56.

[57] Xiao Feng*, Tu Wenwen, Chen Dong. Traffic congestion identification based on mobile phone motion sensor data[J]. Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 2016, 51(3):553-562.

[58] Deng Xue, Xiao Feng*, Zheng Menglei . The impact of yellow light running penalty on intersection efficiency[J]. Journal of Xihua University (Natural Science Edition), 2016.7, (04): 108~112.

[59] Zhang Dapeng, Xiao Feng*. Research on crowd evacuation mechanism based on personal space theory[J]. Journal of Transportation Engineering and Information, 2016, 14(2):144-152.

[60] Zhu Jincheng, Xiao Feng*, Shuai Bin. Congestion charging for urban taxis[J] . Journal of Jilin University: Engineering Edition, 2015, 45(1):89-96.

[61] Zheng Menglei, Xiao Feng*, Zhu Wenxi. Research on the scale optimization model of electric vehicle charging stations[J]. Journal of Xihua University (Natural Science Edition), 2015, 34(5):103-107.

[62] Deng, X., Zhang, M. and Xiao, F., 2014. Design and Application of Intelligent Transportation System Based on The Internet of Things. InICLEM 2014: System Planning, Supply Chain Management, and Safety (pp. 26-31).

[63] Zhang, M. andXiao, F.*, 2013. Bus Arrival Time Prediction based on GPS Data. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Transportation Engineering. ASCE Conf. Proc., 2013

[64] Xiao, F.*, 2011. Investment, Pricing, and Efficiency of Private Road with Heterogeneous Trip- Makers . Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Transportation Engineering. ASCE Conf. Proc. doi:10.1061/41184(419)142.

[65] Xiao Feng, Miao Lixin*. Application of effectiveness principle in transportation pricing[J]. China Logistics and Purchasing, 2003(10):18-19.

[66] Xiao Feng, Miao Lixin*. China's logistics industry facing environmental challenges[J] . China Logistics and Purchasing, 2003(8):26-27.

书记邮箱:zhoum@swufe.edu.cn, 院长邮箱:luwb@swufe.edu.cn, 学院办公电话:87081979
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