Luo Chuan
Department of Electronic Commerce
Professor, Doctoral Supervisor
Email: Luochuan@swufe.edu.cn
Luo Chuan is currently a professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of Management Science and Engineering of Southwestern University of Finance and Economics. He is an e-commerce expert of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Commerce, Chengdu Municipal Commission of Commerce, and Chengdu Municipal Agricultural Commission. He is a member of the International Information Systems Association and an executive member of the Asia-Pacific Chapter. He has served in many important positions at many internationally renowned conferences and as a reviewer for dozens of SCI/SSCI journals such as JAIS, I&M, DSS, IJEC, JGIM, CHB, ECR, JECR, Internet Research, Information Technology and People, Behaviour & Information Technology, etc. Luo Chuan received his Ph.D. in Management Science and Engineering from the University of Science and Technology of China in 2009 and his Ph.D. in Management Information Systems from the City University of Hong Kong in 2010. He has also served as a senior associate researcher at the City University of Hong Kong. Luo Chuan's research interests include online social commerce, Internet finance, cross-border e-commerce, emerging e-commerce, e-commerce information, and sharing economy. His teaching work mainly includes an introduction to e-commerce, business research methods, and undergraduate research training. Luo Chuan has conducted extensive research cooperation with many universities at home and abroad, including City University of Hong Kong, University of New Mexico, Mississippi State University, University of Science and Technology of China, etc.; he also has extensive contacts and cooperation with famous Chinese e-commerce companies such as Huawei, JD.com, Tencent, etc. Luo Chuan has published dozens of papers in multiple SCI/SSCI journals such as I&M, DSS, IJEC, IJIM, CHB, JGIM, and international top conferences such as ICIS, PACIS, ICEB, etc.; he has Host or participated in many basic scientific research and teaching reform projects of the National Social Science, Natural Science, Ministry of Education, and Central Universities. Luo Chuan has guided dozens of graduate students and undergraduates to publish academic papers at many internationally renowned conferences, and has guided dozens of graduate students and undergraduates to win multiple awards in various competitions.
Research Field
Online Social Commerce, Internet Finance, Cross-Border E-Commerce, Emerging E-Commerce, E-Commerce Information, Sharing Economy
Educational Background
2010 PhD in Management Information Systems, City University of Hong Kong
2009 PhD in Management Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology of China
2003 Bachelor of Science and Technology English, University of Science and Technology of China
Work Experience
2010 - Present Teacher, School of Economics and Information Engineering, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
2013 - Present Director of the Department of E-commerce at Southwestern University of Finance and Economics
Academic Experience
2012 Inter-American Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) Chapter Chairman, USA
2013 International Symposium on Financial Business Intelligence and Risk Management and Program Committee Chairman of FIRM-EPECC, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
2014 Chairman of Doctoral Student Forum of Asia Pacific Information Systems Conference (PACIS), Chengdu, Sichuan, China
2016 Member of the International Advisory Committee of the Asia-Pacific Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Taiwan, China
2017 Chapter Chairman, Asia Pacific Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Malaysia
2018 Chapter Chair, Asia Pacific Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Japan
Honorary Awards
2007 The only best paper award at the Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems
2015 Southwestern University of Finance and Economics Outstanding Scientific Research
Lecturing Courses
Undergraduate: E-Commerce, Business Research Methods, Undergraduate Research Training
Post-Graduate: Business Research Methods (Master, Doctor)
Research Achievement
Luo Chuan has published dozens of papers in international journals and conferences, including papers in ESI highly cited journals. According to Google Scholar, his papers have been cited nearly a thousand times. The following is a list of some representative papers:
Journal Articles:
• First author, Impact of informational factors on online recommendation credibility: The moderating role of source credibility. Decision Support Systems, 56, 92-102. 2013. (SCI, impact factor 3.222, JCR zone 1 journal)
• First author, The effects of individualism–collectivism cultural orientation on eWOM information. International Journal of Information Management, 34(4), 446-456. 2014. (SSCI, impact factor 3.872, JCR1 zone journal)
• First author, Examining the moderating role of sense of membership in online review evaluations. Information & Management, 52(3), 305-316. 2015. (SCI/SSCI, impact factor 3.317, JCR zone 1 journal)
• First author, Information usefulness in online third party forums, Computers in Human Behavior, 85, 61-73. 2018 (SSCI, impact factor 3.435, JCR1 zone journal)
• Second author and corresponding author, Credibility of Electronic Word-Of-Mouth: Informational and Normative Determinants of Online Consumer Recommendations. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 13(4), 9-38. 2009. (SCI/SSCI, impact factor 3.900, JCR zone 1 journal)
• Second author, What Influences the Market Outcome of Online P2P Lending Marketplace?: A Cross-Country Analysis. Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM), 23(3), 23-40. 2015 (SSCI, impact factor 0.517, JCR zone 3 journal)
• Third author, Leveraging industry standards to improve the environmental sustainability of a supply chain, 27, 90–105, 2018. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications (SCI/SSCI, impact factor 1.954, JCR2 zone journal)
• Fourth author, The Effects of Communication Patterns on the Success of Open Source Software Projects:: An Empirical Analysis from Social Network Perspectives. Journal of Global Information Management, 24(4):22-44. 2016. (SSCI , impact factor 0.517, JCR zone 3 journal)
• Fourth author, Improving supply chain performance through industry standards use and community socialization – a perspective of standards consortia, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management 46 (8) :763-782. 2016. (SSCI, impact factor 3.215, JCR zone 2 journal)
• Second author, Research on the impact of industry e-commerce standard promotion on corporate profits, Scientific Research Management. 37(8), 94-102, 2016. (CSSCI)
Conference Papers:
• First author, Managing Uncertainty: An Exploratory Study of Information Seeking Strategies of Online Consumers, International Conference on Information Systems, Phoenix, USA. 2009
• First author, The effects of the machine- and person-interactivity transaction information on uncertainty perception. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Intelligent Systems. 480-484. 2009
• Independent author, The interactive effect of product attributes with the acquired information on online consumers ' uncertainty perception.Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, India. 2009
• First author, The Effect of information aggregation and information consistency on consumers' perceptions of information overload. Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Korea.2013
• First author, Managing uncertainty on eWOM : A comparison study between commercial and third party websites. Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, China. 2014
• First author, The influence of eWOM and editor information on information usefulness in virtual community. Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, China. 2014
• First author, Understanding the drivers ' continuous intention of online car booking service. International Conference on Electronic Business, Xiamen, China, 2016
• Corresponding author, How do People Evaluate Electronic Word-Of-Mouth? Informational and Normative Based Determinants of Perceived Credibility of Online Consumer Recommendations in China. Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems. New Zealand, 2007 (only best paper award)
• Corresponding author, Getting to Know Websites through Uncertainty Reduction Strategies: Which Strategies Are Used More, and Which Are Better? An Empirical Study of First-Time Visitors. International Conference on Wireless Communications, 3845-3848. 2007
• Corresponding author, Understanding WeChat User 's Intention to Use Various Functions: from Social Cognitive Perspective, Wuhan International Conference on E-Business, 2018
• Corresponding author, Exploring Users ' Intention to use QQ's Various Functions based on Social Cognitive Theory, Wuhan International Conference on E-Business, 2018
• Third author, Choice of Knowledge Source in Situations of Equivocality: Impact of Cultural Traits. Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, India. 2009
Main Ongoing Research Projects
1. 2011 Research on the integration of scientific and technological innovation and financial innovation under the background of innovative countries, a key project of the National Social Science Research Fund, Sub-Project Leader
2. 2017 Construction of the off-campus practice base for doctoral supervisors at Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, a collaborative education project of the Ministry of Education, Host
3. 2016 Southwestern University of Finance and Economics Central University Basic Research Project Research on Internet Car Drivers' Participation Willingness in O2O Model - Based on Commitment Model, Host
4. 2016 "Central University Education and Teaching Reform Special Project" all-English course project business research methods, Host
5. 2017 Central University Graduate Education and Teaching Reform Special Project Business Research Methods, Host
6. 2018 Southwestern University of Finance and Economics Central University Basic Research Project MOOC Continuous Learning Behavior Research---Based on the perspective of virtual community, Host
7. 2013 National Social Science Fund Youth Project: Research on Supply Chain Relationship and Supply Chain Benefits from the Perspective of Industry Associations, Main Researcher
8. 2015 Research on the Information Disclosure Issues between Crowdfunding Fundraisers and Platforms for the National Natural Science Foundation Youth Project: Based on Trust and Stakeholder Theory, Main Researcher