
Liu Hongkun

Liu Hongkun

Professor of the School of Management Science and Engineering at Southwestern University of Finance and Economics. She graduated from the School of Economics and Management of Southwest Jiaotong University with a Ph.D. in Management in 2007.

Main research areas: Complex networks

Lecturing Courses

Strategic Management, Game Theory

Academic Achievements


[1] Liu Hongkun, Yang Hui, Tang Ming, Zhou Tao. Local isolation strategy for transient disease transmission in adaptive networks. Science in China: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy, 44: 32-41, 2014.

[2] Liu Hongkun, Lv Linyuan, Zhou Tao. Inferring network evolution mechanism using link prediction. Science in China: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy, 41:816–823, 2011.

[3] Liu Hongkun, Zhang Xiaoli, Cao Qian, Wang Binghong, Zhou Tao. Analysis of route connection mechanism of China's urban aviation network. Chinese Science Series G, 39(7): 935-942, 2009.

[4] Liu Hongkun, Zhou Tao. A review of aviation network research. Progress in Natural Science (now co-published with Science China), 18(6): 601-608, 2008.

[5] Liu Hongkun, Zhou Tao. Empirical study and analysis of China's urban aviation network. Acta Physica Sinica, 56(1): 106-112, 2007. (SCI)

[6] Liu Hongkun, Tang Ming. A review of research on global epidemic spread. Complex Systems and Complexity Science, 8(3): 86-94, 2011.

[7] Gu CG, Zou SR, Xu XL, Qu YQ, Jiang YM, He D R, Liu H-Kand Zhou T. Onset of cooperation between layered networks, Phys Rev E, 84, 026101, 2011. (SCI)

[8] Liu HK, Zhang XL, Zhou T. Structure and external factors of Chinese city airline network. Physics Procedia, 3: 1781-1789, 2010.


[1] Structural Evolution and Link Prediction of China’s Aviation Network, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics “211 Project” Phase III Young Teacher Development Project (Second Batch)

[2] Research on epidemic transmission model based on China's double-layer transportation network, funded by the Central Universities Basic Research Business Expenses Special Fund

书记邮箱:zhoum@swufe.edu.cn, 院长邮箱:luwb@swufe.edu.cn, 学院办公电话:87081979
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