
Wang Jun

Wang Jun

Department of Computational Finance

Professor, Master Supervisor

Email: wangjun1987@swufe.edu.cn

Personal Profile

Wang Jun is currently a professor and master's supervisor at the School of Management Science and Engineering of Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, a visiting scholar at Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada, assistant director of the International Joint Laboratory of Financial Technology of Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, deputy director of the Sichuan Key Laboratory of Financial Intelligence and Financial Engineering, director of the Department of Information Management, director of the Department of Computational Finance, deputy director of the NLP Professional Committee of the Sichuan Computer Society, and vice chairman of the Wenjiang District Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese of Chengdu.

He has been committed to the research of emerging interdisciplinary disciplines such as financial technology, financial intelligence, and digital intelligence management. From the perspective of big data analysis, he solves important problems in the financial market through big machine learning, data analysis, artificial intelligence and other methods. His main research includes the research on securities market and commodity market integrating multimodal data, intelligent analysis and monitoring of enterprise risks and illegal financial activities for big data, corporate finance and macroeconomic research driven by unstructured data, and large models in the financial field.

In the past five years, he has published more than 30 papers in high-level journals and conferences at home and abroad (more than 10 of which are Class A important journals recognized by the National Natural Science Foundation of China), including IEEE TKDE, Information Science, Applied Soft Computing, KBS, Energy, Nankai Management Review, etc. He has Host the Sichuan Natural Science Foundation Youth Project and Sichuan Education Reform Project, participated in more than 10 key research and development projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the National Natural Science Foundation, and the National Social Science Foundation, and applied for 9 national invention patents and obtained 8 software copyrights. In terms of education and teaching, during the period of 2021-2023, the teaching courses won the first-class undergraduate course certification in Sichuan Province, guided the student team to win the first prize in Sichuan Province, the second prize twice, the second prize in the country, the second prize in the Citi Cup , and the second prize in Sichuan Province in the Sichuan Statistical Modeling Competition, and more than 10 other honors.

At the same time, Wang Jun has been invited to participate in many international academic conferences (ICIS, PACIS, HICSS), and has given speeches in Hawaii, USA, Tokyo, Japan, Seoul, South Korea, Langkawi, Malaysia, etc. He is also a senior reviewer for international academic journals such as IEEE Network Magazine, Information Fusion, Applied Soft Computing, Energy, and Journal of Cleaner Production.

The team and laboratory are recruiting undergraduate research training, master/doctoral students, and postdoctoral fellows. Interested students are welcome to send their resumes to my email. I will reply to the email as soon as possible. The team and laboratory will provide sufficient computing resources.

Work Experience

2019.07-2020.02 Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, School of Economic Information Engineering, Lecturer, Master Supervisor.

2020.03-2021.07 Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, School of Economic Information Engineering, Associate Professor, Master Supervisor.

2021.08-2022.07 Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, School of Economic Information Engineering, Associate Professor, Master's Supervisor, Secretary of the Faculty Party Branch of the Artificial Intelligence Department.

2022.08-2023.11 Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, School of Management Science and Engineering, Associate Professor, Master Supervisor, and Director of the Information Management Department.

2023.12-Present Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, School of Management Science and Engineering, Professor, Master Supervisor, Director of the Department of Information Management, and Director of the Department of Computational Finance.

Lecturing Courses

Financial technology, financial intelligence, financial quantitative trading, artificial intelligence and smart finance, Python data analysis, financial data analysis and visualization, deep learning and unstructured data processing

Research Team Official Website

the Finance and Economics Cross-integration and Digital Intelligence Management Team: https://fife.swufe.edu.cn/kytd/cjjcrhyszgltd.htm

Some Published Research Results

Major scientific research papers in recent years

[1] Jun Wang, Wenjin Zhao, et al. (2023). A study of crude oil futures price volatility based on multi-dimensional data from event-driven and deep learning [J]. Applied Soft Computing, 146, 110548. (Top journal of CAS, Grade A in NWU )

[2]Jun Wang, Muhammad Usman, et al. (2023). Asymmetric environmental performance under economic complexity, globalization and energy consumption: Evidence from the World ' s largest economically complex economy [J]. Energy, 279, 128050. (Top Journal of District 1 of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Grade A of Xicai )

[3] Ben Liu, Jun Wang, et al. (2023). CUPVC: A Constraint-Based Unsupervised Prosody Transfer for Improving Telephone Banking Services [J]. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 31, 2695-2706. (CCF B-level recommended journal of China Computer Federation, B-level of Xi'an University of Finance and Economics )

[4] Jun Wang, Yexun Hu, et al. (2023). Essential tensor learning for multimodal information-driven stock movement prediction [J]. Knowledge-Based Systems, 262(28), 110262. (Top journal of CAS, Grade A in NWU )

[5] Jun Wang, Zhilong Xie, et al. (2019). Effect of digitalized rumor clarification on stock markets. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 55(2), 450-474. (Chinese Academy of Sciences Zone 3 Journal, West China University of Finance and Economics B Level)

[6] Jun Wang, Hanlei Jin, et al. (2022). Anomaly detection in Internet of medical Things with Blockchain from the perspective of deep neural network [J]. Information Sciences, 617, 133-149. (Top journal in Zone 1 of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Grade A in the Journal of Northwestern University of Finance and Economics )

[7] Peng Tao, Zhu Guanping, Wang Jun*, Jing Bo . (2023). Stock issuance system and valuation of start-up technology companies: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment [J]. Nankai Management Review. (Top journal in Chinese management, A-level journal of Xi’an University of Finance and Economics )

[8] Xiaoman Jin, Qing Li, Jun Wang *, Jingmei Zhao. (2023). Voice or noise? Repetitive information and stock performance [J]. Finance Research Letters, 52, 103559. (Chinese Academy of Sciences Zone 2 journal, ABS 3 stars, West China University of Finance and Economics B level)

[9] Xiaoman Jin,Jun Wang*, et al. (2022). Media Platforms and Stock Performance: Evidence from Internet News [J].Journal of Global Information Management, DOI: 10.4018/JGIM.315611. (Chinese Academy of Sciences Zone 2 Journal, West China University of Finance and Economics B Level)

[10] Qing Li, Yan Chen, Jun Wang, Yuanzhu Chen, Hsinchu Chen (2018). Web Media and Stock Markets: A Survey and Future Directions from a Big Data Perspective. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 30(2), 381-399. (China Computer Federation CCF A-level recommended journal, co- first author, NWU A+ level)

[11] Qing Li, Jinghua Tan, Jun Wang, Hsinchu Chen. (2021). A Multimodal Event-driven LSTM Model for Stock Prediction Using Online News. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 33(10), 3323-3337. (China Computer Federation CCF A-level recommended journal, co- first author, NWJU A+ level)

[12] Jun Wang, Sudeshna Ghosh, et al. (2022). Achieving energy security amidst the world uncertainty in newly industrialized economies: The role of technological advancement [J]. Energy, 261(15), 125265. (Top journal of the first zone of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Grade A of the Northwestern University of Finance and Economics )

[13] Qing Li, Jun Wang, et al. (2017). The role of social sentiment in stock markets: a view from joint effects of multiple information sources . Multimedia Tools and Applications, 76(10), 1-31. (Chinese Academy of Sciences Zone 2 Journal, Northwestern University of Finance and Economics B Level)

[14] Jinghua Tan, Qing Li, Jun Wang, Junxiao Chen. (2022). FinHGNN : A conditional heterogeneous graph learning to address relational attributes for stock predictions [J]. Information Sciences, 618, 317-335. (Top journal in Zone 1 of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Grade A in Northwestern University of Finance and Economics )

[15] Jun Wang, Jinghua Tan, et al. (2021). Unsupervised graph-clustering learning framework for financial news summarization [C]. In Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), pp.719-726. (CCF B-level recommended conference of China Computer Federation, B-level of West China University of Finance and Economics )

[16] Jun Wang, Jinghua Tan, et al. (2021). A Knowledge-aware and Time-sensitive Financial News Recommendation System Based on Firm Relation Derivation [C ]. In Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), pp. 1104-1111. (CCF B-level recommended conference of China Computer Society, B-level of Xi'an University of Finance and Economics)

[17] Xiaohan Li,Jun Wang*, et al. (2022). A graph neural network-based stock forecasting method utilizing multi-source heterogeneous data fusion [J]. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 81, 43753–43775. (Chinese Academy of Sciences Zone 2 Journal, West China University of Finance and Economics B Level)

[18] Peng Tao, Li Zhigang, Wang Jun*, Zhu Guanping. (2023). The spillover effect of the registration system reform: Evidence from the financing of start-up technology companies[J]. International Financial Research, 2, 85-96. (Top Chinese Journal in Finance, B-level of Xi’an University of Finance and Economics )

Major Scientific Research Projects/Topics in Recent Years

(1) National Natural Science Foundation of China, general project, 72071160, Research on machine behavior design and its impact on prediction efficiency in human-machine hybrid prediction market, 2021-01-01 to 2024-12-31, in progress, core researcher.

(2) National Natural Science Foundation of China, General Project, 62072379, Research on Intelligent Computing Models and Key Technologies for Securities Market Fluctuations, 2021-01-01 to 2024-12-31, In Progress, Core Researcher

(3) Sichuan Provincial Philosophy and Social Science Foundation Committee, Sichuan Provincial Social Science Planning Project, SCJJ23ND429, Supply Chain Financing and Financial Innovation of Small and Medium -sized Enterprises under the Background of Digital Economy, 2023-11 to present, RMB 50,000, In Progress , core researcher.

(4) Sichuan Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Sichuan Provincial Natural Science Foundation, 23NSFSC3330, Research on Enterprise Risk Intelligent Identification and Early Warning Technology Based on Enhanced Graph Neural Network, 2023-01 to present, in progress, responsible for the research

(5) Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Central University Basic Research Business Expenses-Annual Cultivation Project, JBK2304064, Research on key technologies for intelligent identification and early warning of enterprise risks based on deep learning perspective , 2023-04 to 2023-12, completed, responsible for the project.

(6) Sichuan Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Sichuan Provincial Natural Science Foundation, 2022NSFSC1798, Research on multi-dimensional image restoration method combining deep learning and novel tensor decomposition, 2022-07 to 2023-12, completed, core researcher.

(7) National Key R&D Program of China, 2019YFC0850100, 501 Project (Confidential Project), December 2019 to December 2023, RMB 25 million, completed, core researcher.

(8) Humanities and Social Sciences Research Project of the Ministry of Education of China, 20YJC630191, Research on Financial Risk Identification Method Based on Dynamic Three-branch Decision, 2020-03 to 2023-03, completed, core researcher.

(9) Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Fundamental Research Funds for Central Universities, JBK2202050, Application Research on the Impact of Multi-source Heterogeneous Factors on Securities Market Volatility, 2022-01 to 2022-12, completed, core researcher.

(10) Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Fundamental Research Funds for Central Universities, JBK2103016, Research on the Impact of Digital Interactive Media on the Securities Market, August 2021 to August 2022, completed, responsible for the project.

(11) Sichuan Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Applied Basic Research Project (Provincial Key), 2019YJ0250, Research on Intelligent Risk Analysis Technology of Securities Market Based on Media Perception, 2019-01 to 2021-12, completed, core researcher.

(12) Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Fundamental Research Funds for Central Universities, JBK2001035, Research on the Differentiation of the Influence of Multi-source Internet News Media Based on Big Data Perspective, 2020-01 to 2020-12, completed, responsible for the project.

(13) Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Fundamental Research Funds for Central Universities, JBK2004030, Research on the Impact of Digital Interactive Media on the Stock Market from the Perspective of Big Data (Monograph), 2020-02-2020-12, completed, responsible for the project.

书记邮箱:zhoum@swufe.edu.cn, 院长邮箱:luwb@swufe.edu.cn, 学院办公电话:87081979
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