邮箱: xiongjie@swufe.edu.cn
熊杰,毕业于中国人民大学信息学院,现任教于西南财经大学。研究方向为大模型预训练,自然语言处理,推荐系统,信息检索等。担任IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems(TNNLS)、Expert Systems with Applications (ESWA)、Information Processing & Management (IPM) 、ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining(KDD)、Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases(ECML-PKDD)等国际期刊和会议审稿人。熊杰在奇虎360,知乎等互联网企业拥有多年工作经验,主要负责大模型预训练,内容&用户理解,搜索排序等,带领团队多次取得业务突破,积累了丰富的工业界实践经验,在学术研究和落地应用上具有广泛的交流与合作。
l Jie Xiong, Li Yu, Xi Niu, and Youfang Leng. "XRR: Extreme multi-label text classification with candidate retrieving and deep ranking." Information Sciences 622 (2023): 115-132.
l Jie Xiong, Li Yu, Dongsong Zhang, and Youfang Leng. "DNCP: An attention-based deep learning approach enhanced with attractiveness and timeliness of News for online news click prediction." Information & Management 58, no. 2 (2021): 103428.
l Jie Xiong, Huiyuan Li, Qiyuan Duan and Qihan Du. "Towards Extreme Multi-label Text Classification Through Group-wise Label Ranking", The 35th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, SEKE2023
l Youfang Leng, Li Yu, and Jie Xiong. "Recurrent convolution basket map for diversity next-basket recommendation." Database Systems for Advanced Applications 25th International Conference, DASFAA 2020
l Youfang Leng, Li Yu, and Jie Xiong. "Deepreviewer: Collaborative grammar and innovation neural network for automatic paper review." 2019 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction. 2019.